Sure, the housing market is in the Dumpster, and houses are still expensive – up almost a third from their prices at the beginning of the decade, with some markets considerably higher than that. Throw in reports of killer mortgages and rampant foreclosures, and it may seem scary to take the leap. But over the long term, owning the home you live in is a great investment. It’s one that will bring you tax breaks, financial gains, perhaps a little yard, and considerable joy … if it’s done right.
Right now, there are several factors that are making the market more attractive to first-time homebuyers. The housing glut means that sellers are motivated and prices are falling. The latest stimulus bill out of Washington raised the limits on decent, low-down payment government-guaranteed mortgages. Parents who may be inclined to help their kids with a down payment don’t have any other great places to stash their money right now, with stocks and bonds both looking risky and unrewarding. And mortgage rates are low.
“If you’ve been thinking of buying a house in a year or two, you might want to change your timing and start looking now,” says Atlanta financial adviser David Hultstrom.
But first-timers are at a disadvantage: The whole house-hunting ritual can seem terrifying if you’ve never done it before. Here’s how to get started.
Take your time. There’s no need to feel rushed, suggests Walt Molony of the National Association of Realtors. Real estate prices may continue to trend downward slightly, or stabilize, or move up a bit. But nobody, not even the usually optimistic agents’ group, is predicting runaway prices. You’ve got many months to educate yourself about the process and study your market.
Check your credit score at
If you’re planning a house hunt, it makes sense to buy a full credit score report. The higher your score, the lower your interest rate on your mortgage, and that can mean hundreds of dollars a month in savings, for decades. A top score now can get you a 30-year fixed-rate loan under 6 percent that will cost you $1,775 a month to borrow $300,000. If your score is middling, that same loan can go for 7.192 and cost you $2,035 a month. A poor score can mean that you’ll only qualify for a 10.25 percent loan that will cost you $2,688 a month. If your score is less than optimal, you can improve it by paying down credit card balances and making sure you pay bills on time.
Prequalify for a mortgage.
Comparison shop online and call a reputable mortgage bank near you. Find out how much you can reasonably borrow, and what kind of rate you’ll get. If you’re serious about buying a home soon, you can go the distance and actually apply for the mortgage before you find the house. Then you’ll have a good idea of your price range.
Check out mortgages backed by the Federal Housing Authority.
These are solid 30-year fixed loans, not those crazy interest only, negative amortization, resetting variable loans that caused so much trouble. They only require a 3 percent down payment. Depending on the prices in your local market, you can borrow as much as $729,750 on one of these loans with FHA backing.
Work with a buyer’s agent who only represents you, not the seller.
Neophytes especially need someone who can help them analyze the local market, negotiate a good price and close the deal. You can find an agent through the National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents (
Get something back from the seller, but don’t expect a complete steal.
Houses still cost a lot of money, but a motivated seller might give you help where you need it most: with cash. A motivated seller might agree to pay closing costs out of his profits, suggests Molony. That could give you the advantage of being able to come up with less cash to get into the house.
Think single-family house or duplex.
A duplex makes for a great starter home: You can live in half and rent out the other half. Single-family houses also do well in most markets over the long term. Condominiums and co-ops: not so much. While luxury condos in popular locations have sold well, they tend to not perform as well in resale as do single-family homes. And there are condo fees to contend with, too.
Don’t buy a home without getting a home inspection.
You wouldn’t be the first newbie to buy a house and then discover the leaky roof, wet basement, termite damage and antiquated electrical system. But why be that guy? Put an inspection in your contract. If the inspector finds big, bad problems, you can use them to negotiate a lower price or extricate yourself from a troubling deal.
Don’t overreach.
It’s not the time to get the biggest, baddest house you can find, says Hultstrom. There will be another time for upgrading down the road. This is the time to get into a starter home that you can afford to live in. And enjoy it while you wait for the market to heal.

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