Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"How is the Orange County Market?"

That is the standard question I am often asked when I meet someone new or when I talk to a friend, client, or past client. The truth is... Homes Are Selling!

I know that is a crazy concept to most of you due to the constant bashing we hear and read in the local media. Quite honestly, this couldn't be a better time to make a move. Whether you are a first-time buyer or an equity seller, you can not go wrong in this market. Give me a call and I'll break that thought down for you.

Call our market whatever you want (adjusting, bursting, correcting, etc.), blame it on whomever you feel must take responsibility (predetory lending, subprime meltdown, economic recession, etc). The fact remains that there is a reality to face here.

If you're looking for someone that tracks the local market, has the facts in black and white, and can provide a real-time blueprint of the market conditions and how you can benefit from it, call the ProMark Team of Coldwell Banker.

Dont forget to visit

Mark Gundlach, Real Estate Consultant

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